It is easier to not fight the dark. There is a way the world works, and
it is, despite all cosmetics to the contrary, reticent to change. Our worldview
puts this on the great fall; the madness and sadness of our separation from
God. The veneer that sits around the world as possibility for all wrapped
around a hard and corrupt shell that limits progress, protects systems and makes
equality a daily fight.
We ought to speak up against the dark in any room we are in but there is
also fear. Fear keeps us from standing out, from not signing away bits of
ourselves to simply fit in and from being who we truly are. It feeds our
obsession for outcomes. Yet, we already know the outcome. The night is fading,
the day is coming. The change needed is in us. The world is going to change by
judgement. We must change by love.
There is nothing to fear, we are told. We are lights, candles, arrows, sons,
and daughters of the creator of everything. We are on earth to remember all of
this and remember our eternal nature. These daily dark spots should not rob us
of that glorious light. Standing up is not easy. These words will not do the
standing for us. But the other part is much more difficult. It will dim this
light in us that has eternity in its brightness.