
We are not here to sit out the intervening years between pain and glory.
There would be no point to this whole enterprise if we were. After we have seen
God, we are slowly to become like Him. There is no other path to take. We are
to bear the light side of the divine burden and work in the enlightenment of
His ways. We are made to be like this. We were always going to be disciples of
the light.


We are called to all who suffer. To the poor, the brokenhearted, the
widow, the orphan, the homeless and the despised. God is not interested in
superstars. The gospel is stronger than the appearance we try to put on it to
make it palatable. It reaches to the soul. It cuts through spirit and flesh. It
has moved men and women for millennia by simply being itself. It does not need
our colouring or our facade. It simply needs our open hearts and willing hands.


What do we have to offer all that suffer? All our effort and all our
time, wherever we are planted. We are trees of God and candles and reeds and
swords and disciples and apostles and followers and leaders, all in the light. We
must remember this again. We are made to do different things with one aim: to be
the light that shines brightest in the dark and the darkness cannot overcome
it. The world has choked the seed, but this is fertile ground. The lord will
work on the weed and tares. He knows we also suffer. He has put our healing in
loving others, as well. We are sent out to be who we really are to everyone we
meet. It is time to remember this, again, and act accordingly.