
That last moment, as imagined, is the perfect metaphor for a life slipping into the arms of God. It is often described as death, isn’t it? That rapture and embrace of something higher and more pressing than present time. We embrace the full grace of God by letting go of the smaller embraces of a life apart from him. There is some mileage in the little embrace, but your heart will eventually tell you: this is not enough for me.


We need the full envelope of constant love. We need all those tiny questions and quirks and troubles and failures, answered to, and told they are unfounded in the grand scheme of what life has always been about. We need a big God. And we have this Universe framed in utter intelligence and random wonder. We do not know all of it and most of it goes over most of our heads, but it tells us this: when we let go, the true wonders may just begin.