Fear is an oddly powerful thing. It takes control of you in a way that you may not expect. And in that, it can become rather dangerous.
We ought to be led by faith, all the days of our lives. We ought to be led by doubtless trust in the eternal and the divine and follow that trust wherever it leads us. But sometimes, fear seeps in and builds a home in our hearts and places a hand over our eyes and grabs us by the hand and hastens our feet. In fear, we run helter-skelter when we ought to be still. In fear, we take action when we ought to observe. Fear fills us with panic: time is running out; things are happening without you; something big is coming; you are askew with the world.
All these things are true but they are not the full story. The world is on a clock so we are running down time but only on this plane. Eternity is still ahead. Things are always happening without you, all over the world, all the time. That is no reason to be afraid. Something big may in fact be coming but how is that different from any other time in history? And we are all askew with this world. It is not our home and the sense of discomfort we feel is only a hint of that fact. We belong with the divine and there shall we return.
No matter what half-baked story your fear tells you, be comforted with the knowledge that it is not the whole truth. Remember that no good comes from acting in fear. Only when we choose our faith do we choose to be led by the one who sees all and knows all. On this path we cannot falter or stumble. On this path shall we be led home.