We are an impatient species so waiting almost always feels like punishment instead of preparation. How odd that the time we could take to become who we need to be, learn what we need to know, or simply heal from what would otherwise hinder us is treated like time out. Instead of working on ourselves in anticipation of a coming glory, we sulk in a corner and watch the clock until what we are waiting for arrives. 

There is a part of it that can be attributed to lack of faith. For surely if God says He will, all we should be doing is going about the daily business of obeying Him and walking the path that He has set out for us until we arrive at the gift in question (or the gift finds us, depending on how you see it I guess). Instead we act like daily tormenting Him in our prayers is sure to wear Him down quickly.

There is an allotted time for everything in this world. Think of anytime you’ve rushed head first into a situation when you should have waited. How did that pan out for you? You cannot possibly know more than the author of time. And while you see a little part of a narrative as it concerns you, there is a far larger picture that is only visible from God’s perspective. If He says it is not time, then it is not time. If He says not this way, then not this way. If He says now, then now. His will, not ours. Amen.