It is a massive mistake to put God in the middle of secular governance. It
has done no good in the world. It has led to wars and oppression and death and vice.
It has merged church and state in ways that should never occur. The earth is
the Lord’s and the fullness there of, but also, you must always pay Caesar in
coin and God, with your heart. None of those are really transactions. Jesus Christ
himself was separating Church and State.
We are not here to govern for God. The individual soul is His pursuit. The
relationship of the state and citizen only concerns deity as it refers to the
individual’s personal growth. The believer can thrive in any system. His or her
heart is the seat of the divine government that rules over the whole universe.
We should not govern for God. We are not made to own or use the hearts
of others. This is not our sphere of influence or our purpose. Nations use
words like “patriotism”, “honour” and “duty” to make wars happen and give
meaning to poignant deaths in sacrifice to protecting parcels of land that will
not matter in the context of eternity. The only country we should protect is
each other. The only reason for death is as an entry to eternal life. The only
government that will endure for all time is the Kingdom of love.