
Still, we learn to go
easy on each other. It is just life, and we are sharing it. This need to be
right ends in the same silly statement from which it began. There are no prizes
for being the right one. There are no separate prizes at all. We are learning not
to be lonely. We are learning not to be singular, and we are learning to not to
lose our minds by ourselves. Even insanity is better shared.


The ease that comes is not giving up. It is hanging up those boots we used to call pleasure, but we
now know is only escape. It is learning to be quiet because we do not need to
fill every moment with noise. It is being at ease with one home, a nation
united under the joy of its own weight, not scrambling, or suffering but at
peace. It is knowing this house is all we need. And that love stretches, all by
itself, into eternal form.