If I
could paint the future
could paint the future
And not
worry if it was blue or red
worry if it was blue or red
I would
paint it in our colours, our marching band, our winning team, our trial before
test before trial before test again
paint it in our colours, our marching band, our winning team, our trial before
test before trial before test again
I would
paint it in the blood red of friendship and the sharp grey of flaws
paint it in the blood red of friendship and the sharp grey of flaws
we did not just fall down
we did not just fall down
We were
wiped with the floors
wiped with the floors
If I
had an image of things done and not done
had an image of things done and not done
I would
make it straighter, less lame and with more bombs
make it straighter, less lame and with more bombs
are the heroic quests from the soul
are the heroic quests from the soul
do not tell us anything, not anything whole
do not tell us anything, not anything whole
notes, blurbs, dreadful summaries, one liners
notes, blurbs, dreadful summaries, one liners
The truth
is far more circumspect
is far more circumspect
The angles
bruised and worn out
bruised and worn out
is no perfection, there are no heroes
is no perfection, there are no heroes
No villains
moments, good and bad
moments, good and bad
you carried or you were the bag
you carried or you were the bag
If I
had a recording
had a recording
Of every
single voice
single voice
football game, ever silly knavish trick
football game, ever silly knavish trick
It would
serve no use
serve no use
honesty wins the day
honesty wins the day
So all
I have in parting are the things we used to be
I have in parting are the things we used to be
picture, recording
picture, recording
A manifesto
never lived up to
never lived up to
down into the realm of grace
down into the realm of grace
only to discover
only to discover
We need
to move at the same pace
to move at the same pace
is all about arriving at the same place
is all about arriving at the same place
I had
a dream once about lagging behind
a dream once about lagging behind
I felt
stronger alone
stronger alone
a fish on land about to die
a fish on land about to die
this is breathing
this is breathing
this is dying
this is dying
I had
a dream once
a dream once
wearing a crown
wearing a crown
Now I
see those crucial thorns
see those crucial thorns
Put it
on me now and still
on me now and still
I now
can see the future
can see the future
It is
painted blue and red
painted blue and red
colours, our marching band, our winning team, and our trial before test before
trial before test again
colours, our marching band, our winning team, and our trial before test before
trial before test again
blood red of friendship and the sharp grey of flaws
blood red of friendship and the sharp grey of flaws
The fall
wiped with the floors
wiped with the floors
The rise