
It changes over the years, but the promise remains the same. We become
different, we fight, we roll over for each other, we have children and then we
try to forge life out of the steel embrace of reality. We still make these
promises to stay. To work at everything and to face anything together. Will we
ever live up to it?


There is no perfection in the fray. Being human is full of failure, of
failing down, of being made whole in one sense and then losing hold of the
other senses. It takes us a lifetime to learn what will work and what will not.
It will take all our lives to rework our preconceptions and the profundity of
our fall. We make the promise still, to do it together.


For each it is different. The struggles are twain. The meeting of minds
comes not in having the same experiences or quirks but in reaching for that
very same thing: an everlasting love that redefines life into meaning. The eternal
call and shadow of the other country. Love, as it is supposed to be. Always.