There is nothing that you are experiencing – good or bad – that is so unique as to surprise the one who authored time. Not only has He seen everything that has ever and will ever happen through out the flow of time, He has also experienced it by sending His Son in the flesh to intercede for our salvation and redemption.
So He knows life and He knows death. He knows joy and sorrow. There is no pain that you are experiencing that surpasses His comprehension. There is no love on this earth that rivals how He feels about us. We are His children, and when He says He is with us, this is what He means. He is within us and beside us. He goes before us and watches after us. He surrounds us with His love and there is no moment in our lives either of celebration or grief of which He is unaware.
He knows us intimately. He can quantify our thoughts and emotions even when we struggle to do so. He is with us for every foot we put in front of the other and every fall from which we have to rise. There should be no fear, no shame, in turning to Him and telling Him what he already knows. He is our support, our fortress and our shield.