What do you think of yourself? How do you view yourself? If you were asked to describe yourself what would you say? Would you describe yourself as a great person? A humble person? A kind person? Would you call yourself worthless? Useless? Stupid? Would you be kind or unkind to yourself? In your estimations, would you inflate your own worth or disregard your value? How do you see yourself?
How does God see you? Does He agree with your estimations? The short answer is no. No matter how you would describe yourself out loud or what you think of yourself in private, it bears no comparison to how God truly sees you.
The first thing to understand is that God loves you unconditionally and there is nothing hidden in your heart that He doesn’t already know. Yet He continues to love you. Nothing can erase that kind of love. And nothing can separate you from Him. The next thing we must remember is that this great love does not blind God from your wrongdoings. He knows who you are. He knows every thing you’ve ever done, right or wrong. But in us – in all of us – God sees the potential for eternal transformation. Through His own sacrifice were we redeemed, and He daily calls us to Him, to continue to mend what is broken and redeem what was destroyed.
His love for us surpasses the confines of this plane and stretches far into the infinite flow of time. Hallelujah.