When we speak of these things, I think we tend to imagine them as distant truths. We have our own baggage for our own time so whatever these other tales are, they are our children’s baggage now.
Ignoring the glee with which we shirk our responsibilities and dump them on future generations for a second, the world is changing so fast now that the idea of outrunning the inevitable is comical.
The time to abandon fear in lieu of faith has to be now. The time to pull closer to our communities has to be now. The time to look up at His face has to be now. We can’t afford to wait any longer for someone else to assume generations of responsibilities that have been left unattended. After being told for years that our actions have repercussions, we cannot now – at the very mouth of the repercussions – pretend that it is not our business.
I hope you understand fully the gravity of the situation. I hope it is clearer to you each day, what part you are to play in it. All are called to serve. That includes you too. I hope you’re ready to do the work.